Veerarajendra, the exiled raja of Coorg, and his eleven-year-old daughter of Gowramma, were the first Indian royals to land in Britain in the summer of 1852. Veerarajendra used the pretext of his daughter's embracing Christanity and acquiring a Western education, as a ruse to secure permission to visit England. What was his true motive behind this journey? Furthermore, as godmother to Gowramma, Queen Victoria had grand plans for the princess and another exiled royalty: Maharaja Duleep Singh of Punjab. In this book, C.P. Belliappa has reconstructed the extraordinary saga of the earliest Indian royalities to visit and live in Victorian England. He has unearthed hither to unpublished material that throws light on Veerarajendra's and Princess Victoria Gowramma's life in England, and the amazing affection Queen Victoria bestowed on the young princess. A musical tribute to Victoria Gowramma (after a book promotion trip by the author to Britain) specially composed and played by David Wilson. Click on *
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Tale of a Tiger's
Tail & other Yarns from Coorg (ISBN
81-291-0539-X) Victoria Gowramma Published by |
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