THE LEOPARD'S CALL: An Anglo-Indian Love Story
N. Shires

About the Book:
Leopard's Call: An Anglo-Indian
Love Story, is a gripping
account of a young husband
and wife team. Norma and Reginald
Shires, a nurse and minister,
just two years into their
marriage, set out to
live in the wilderness
grasslands of West Bengal,
India, down from Bhutan. There
began teaching and building up a high school for students from
rare tribal groups. From
the very
first page of this eloquent brief on living a simple life and raising
a family in a jungle area, you become engrossed in a hilarious
yet moving true story of their unforgettable world. Anglo-Indians
often distinguished themselves in sports, entertainment, medicine,
education, the railway and telegraphs and in the armed services. This
story is an example of those who
devote their
lives to those in need.
To find out more about Reg's book,
and read an excerpt, go to The
Leopard's Call
Read Hugh and Colleen Gantzer's review
in the Deccan Herald at:

Pioneers of the East
Hugh & Colleen
tale told in the book
is so sincere and persuasively
gripping that the author
had no need for any
stylistic embellishment. |
The Leopard’s Call, an Anglo-Indian
love Story
Author House, $ 17.75, pp 178.
They were the most unlikely pioneers. Reginald
Shires from Bangalore
was a sports-loving student of theology who became
a pastor. Norma D’Sena
was a fun-loving girl from a railway family in
Ajmer, who loved dancing and singing with her
uncle’s band and qualified as a nurse.
The met, fell in love
and got married.
far it was a
normal Anglo-Indian
love story...
when he was
drawing Rs 120
a month as a
pastor, they ‘decided to leave
India for England and a better
life’ but they couldn’t
raise the money. Many other Anglo-Indians,
who had set their hearts on leaving
India, had to stay back out of
sheer necessity: they couldn’t
afford to migrate. That, too,
is an oft told tale in this community.
At this point, however, they came to a remarkable turning point in their lives.
Reginald was offered a job as an English teacher in a farming school in Falakata,
West Bengal. Norma would be the school nurse and teach physiology and home science.
They accepted.
It was a long journey, with their two children and Norma’s sister, to the
forested wilderness where the mountains of Bhutan come down to the grasslands
of Bengal. For this city-bred couple that first night in Falakata was an unnerving
“I had heard stories of this place too, about the big cats that still walked
the narrow paths of the school at night, lifting cattle from the dairy and carrying
away dogs. As the rain poured down on our cottage and we settled down to sleep
on the cement floor, things were coming together and I wondered how we’d
work at this new spot in our young lives.”
But they did work and they did learn to enjoy their rugged pioneer life: teaching,
ploughing, poultry farming, growing their own vegetables, playing hockey with
bamboo roots as sticks, cycling to the village market, ministering to the sick,
even learning how to use the foot-powered press to produce work in English, Hindi,
Oriya, Bengali and Nepali. They also had two more children out on that far, forested,
No easy life
It was certainly not an easy life but Reginald Shires captures the adventure
of it all with gentle good humour that makes light of the discomfort and harshness
of living beyond the edge of civilisation. Or perhaps that is true civilisation:
the ability of a man and woman, fortified by faith and their love for each other,
to handle whatever fortune can throw at them with grace, light-heartedness and
fortitude. Theirs is a vindication of the Beetles’ song All You Need is
It is this radiance that shines through The Leopard’s Call making for charming,
effortless, reading. Reginald’s simple, but often very lyrical style is
refreshingly free of the self-conscious posturing and surrealism that seems to
be the hallmark of many current bestsellers.
The tale that he tells however is persuasively gripping in its sincerity and
that probably is why he saw no reason to embellish it with stylistic flourishes:
There was absolutely no need to gild this lily.
It has however, left us with one small doubt and so we must put a question to
the Shires— “With all your courage and tenacity in the face of great
odds, did you really have to leave the land of our birth?” But then that
is often regarded as a controversial question which is perhaps, best left unanswered. |

AT THE AGE FOR LOVE : A novel of Bangalore during World War II
Reginald N. Shires

About the Book
At the Age for Love--A novel of Bangalore during World War
II , is an extraordinary story of a soldier''s family waiting
for his safe return from the
Africa Front where he serves with a British tank unit pressing
hard against the Germans in the
desert of Libya. The
chronicle begins with the soldier, Capt. Edward Thompson, saying goodbye
to his wife Amelia and son Paddy and ends with his return at the end of
the war. The story, narrated in incredible detail, tells how the
boy and his mother with their relatives and friends live in this hectic
military city in South India, where those who stay behind are swept along
into the rushing, wild stream of British history in India during a time
of war. The lives of these women--and their children--provide a bold
story of Anglo-India in this multihued Indian landscape where rogues and
villains and the honest, hard-working, church-going, form relationships
in this saga as men and women cross family and racial boundaries in their
search for love. The city of Bangalore with its cluster of towns
around British army barracks comes alive with memorable characters and
this novel follows their tense and gripping relationships. The
ending, where these fun-loving
characters come together in a frail boat on the
peaceful Cauvery River at Seringapatnam
near sunset, has much to say about life and the human mystery and
the vision it offers us as we live in a changing world.
About the Author
Reginald N. Shires, a clergyman, was born
in Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka state
in South India. He studied at Clarence High
School in Bangalore and went to Spicer College near Pune. He completed
his graduate studies in journalism at Pennsylvania State University in
the U.S.A. He also studied theology at the seminary at Andrews
University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. He is the author of The
Leopard''s Call: An Anglo-Indian Love Story , a non-fiction book
of family life at Falakata, a small town on the
grasslands of Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal,
India. His fiction, "The Day Ernie-Boy
Retired," a story of one day in the life of a working man in Bangalore,
appears in Voices on the Verandah . He lives with
his wife Norma D''Sena Shires in Maryland in
the U.S.A., just a few miles from Washington,
D.C., the nation''s capital.
(6x9) 1420877992 $16.00
Jacket Hardcover (6x9) 142087800X $24.00
At the Age for Love: A Novel of Bangalore
during World War II is available at or
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